Preparado por Roberto Giraldo, M.D.
Es conveniente además estudiar todas las citaciones científicas
dentro de estos artículos y libros listados en orden cronológico:
I) Referencias científicas directamente relacionadas con seropositividad.
II) Referencias científicas con conceptos básicos para comprender las particularidades de la seropositividad.
III) Algunas referencias científicas para decidir en mejor forma y en cada caso específico, lo referente a la prevención y al tratamiento del SIDA.
1) Referencias científicas directamente relacionadas con seropositividad:
- 1986 Dworkin BM et al. Selenium deficiency in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Parenteral Enteral Nutr; 10: 405.
- 1988 Fabris N et al. AIDS, zinc deficiency and the thymic hormone failure. JAMA; 259:839.
3. 1988 Papadopulos-Eleopulos E. Reappraisal of AIDS – Is the oxidation induced by the risk factor the primary cause? Medical Hypotheses; 25: 151-162.
- 1989 Moseson M et al. The potential role of nutritional factors in the induction of immunologic abnormalities in HIV-positive homosexual men. JAIDS; 2: 235-247.
5. 1989 Staal FJT et al. Intracellular glutathione levels in T cell sub decrease in the blood plasma of HIV-1 infected patients. Biol Chem Hoope Seyler; 370: 101-108.sets
6. 1989/9 Papadopulos_Eleopulos E. Looking Back on the Oxidative Stress Theory of AIDS. Continuum (London) 5(5): 30-35.
- 1990 Bogden JD et al. Micronutrients status and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Ann NY Acad Sc; 547: 189-195.
8. 1990 Harakeh S, Jariwalla RJ, Pauling L. Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication by ascarbate in chronically and acutely infected cell. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A.; 87: 7245-7249.
- 1990 Turner VF. Reducing agents and AIDS - Why are we waiting? Med J Austr; 153:502.
- 1990 Walter R et al. Zinc status in human immunodeficiency virus infection. Life Sci; 47: 1579.
- 1991 Graham N Relationship of serum cooper and zinc levels in HIV-1 seropositivity and progression to AIDS et al. J AIDS; 4: 976.
- 1991 Halliwell B y Croos C. Reactive oxygen species, antioxidants and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Intern Med; 151: 29-31.
- 1992 Baruchel S y Wainberg MAS. The role of oxidative stress in disease progression in individuals infected by HIV. J Leukocyte Biol; 52: 111-114.
- 1992 Beach RS et al. Specific nutrient abnormalities in asymptomatic HIV-1 ifection. AIDS; 6: 701-708.
- 1992 Dorge W et al. HIV-induced cysteine deficiency and T-cell-depletions: a rationale for treatment with n-acetyl-cysteine. Immunol today; 13:211.
16. 1992 Garewal HS et al. A preliminary trial of beta-carotene in subjects infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. J Nutr; 122: 728-732.
17. 1992 Loya S et al. The carotenoid halocynthiaxanthin: a novel inhibitor of the reverse transcriptase of human immunodeficiency viruses type 1 and type 2. Arch Biochem Biophys; 293: 208-212.
18. 1992 Papadopulos-Eleopulos E, Turner VF, Papadimitriou J. Oxidative stress, HIV and AIDS. Res Immunol; 143: 145-148.
- 1992 Quey B et al. Glutathione depletion in HIV-infected patients: role of cysteine deficiency and effects of oral N-acetyl-cysteine. AIDS; 5: 814.
- 1992 Salvain B y Mark AW. The role of oxidative stress in desease progression to individuals infected by the human immunodeficiency virus. J. Leukocyte Biol; 52: 111.
21. 1993 Abrams B et al. A prospective study of dietary intake and AIDS in HIV-seropositive homosexual men J AIDS 1993; 6: 949-958.
22. 1993 Coodley GO et al. Beta-carotene in HIV infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr; 6: 272-276.
- 1993 Favier A. The place of oxygen free radicals in HIV infection. A collection of papers presented at a conference on “The place of oxygen free radicals in HIV infection”, Les Deux Alpex, France, January 1993. Chem Biol Interact; 91: 77-224.
- 1993 Greenspan HC. The role of oxidative osygen species, antioxidants and phytopharmaceuticals in human immunodeficiency virus activity. Med Hypothesis; 40: 85.
25. 1993 Moore PS et al. Role of nutritional status and weight loss in HIV seroconversion among Rwandan women. JAIDS; 6: 611-616.
26. 1993 Papadopulos-Eleopulos E, Turner VF, Papadimitriou JM. Is a positive Western bloot proof of HIV infection? Bio/Technology; 11: 696-707.
- 1993 Semba RD et al. Increased mortality associated with vitamin A deficiency during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Arch Intern Med; 153: 2149-2154.
- 1993 Staal FJT et al. Antioxidants inhibit stimulation of HIV transcription. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses; 9: 299-306.
- 1993 Tang AM et al. Dietary micronutrient intake and risk progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected homosexual men. Am J Epidemiol 1993; 138: 1-15.
30. 1993 Ward BJ et al. Vitamin A status in HIV infection. Nutr Res; 13: 157-166.
- 1994 Dworkin BM. Selenium deficiency in HIV infection and the acquired immunodeficiency síndrome (AIDS). Chem Biol Interact; 91: 181-186.
- 1994 Favier A et al. Antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in patients infected with HIV. Chem Biol Interact; 91: 165-180.
- 1994 Greenspan HC y Arouma O. Oxidative stress and apoptosis in HIV infection: a role for plant-derived metabolites with synergistic antioxidant activity. Immunol Today; 15: 209.
34. 1994 Harakeh S et al. Mechanistic aspects of ascarbate inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus. Chemico-biological Interactions; 91: 207-215.
- 1994 Piete J el al. Molecular mechanisms of virus activation by free radicals. Collection of 5 articles presented at a conference on “The place of oxygen free radicals in HIV infection”, Les Deux Alpex, France, January 1993. Chem Biol Interact; 91: 79-132.
- 1994 Schrauzer GN y Sacher J. Selenium in the maintenance and therapy of HIV-infected patients. Chem Biol Interact 91: 199.
37. 1994 Semba RD et al. Vitamin A deficiency and wasting as predictors of mortality in human immunodeficiency virus-infected injection drug users. JIF; 171: 1196-1202.
38. 1994 Ullrich R et al. Serum carotene deficiency in HIV-1 infected patients. AIDS; 8: 661-665.
39. 1995 Baum MK et al. Micronutrients and HIV-1 disease progression. AIDS; 9: 1051-1056.
40. 1995 Coutsoudis A et al. The effects of vitamin A supplementation on the morbidity of children born to HIV-infected women. Am J Public Health; 85: 1076-1081.
41. 1995 Giraldo RA. AIDS and Stressors IV: the real meaning of HIV (Abstract). Toxicology Letters Supplement 1/78; s35. Paper presented at the International Congress on Toxicology, Prague, Republica Checa, agosto de 1995.
- 1995 Karter DL et al. Vitamin A deficiency in non-vitamin-supplemented patients with AIDS: a cross-sectional study. J AIDS Hum Retrovirol; 8: 199-203.
- 1995 Semba RD et al. Vitamin A deficiency and wasting as predictors of mortality in human immunodeficiency virus-infected injection drug users. JID; 171: 1196-1202.
- 1995 Delmas-Beauvieux MC et al. The enzymatic antioxidant system in blood and glutathione status in HIV-infected patients: effects of supplementation with selenium or beta-carotene. Am J Clin Nutr; 64: 101-107.
- 1995 Giraldo RA. Polemica cientifica internacional acerca de las causas del SIDSA. Investigacion y Educación en Enfermeria; 14 (2): 55-74.
46. 1996 Hussey G et al. Vitamin A status and supplementation and its effects on immunity in children with AIDS. In: Program and abstracts of the XVII international vitamin A consultative group meeting: 1996, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Washington DC: International Life Sciences Institute: pages 6, 81.
47. 1996 Landesman S. Vitamin A relationships to mortality in HIV disease and effects on HIV infection: recent and late breaking studies. Presented at forum, Lawton Chiles International House, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, May 16, 1996.
48. 1996 Papadopulos-Eleopulos E, Turner VF, Papadimitriou JM & Causer D. The isolation of HIV: Has it really been achieved: The case against. Continuum (London); 4(6): S1-S24.
49. 1996 Phuapradit W et al. Serum vitamin A and beta-carotene levels in pregnant women infected with HIV-1. Obstet Gynecol; 87: 564-567.
50. 1996 Tang AM, Graham NMH, Saah AJ. Effects of micronutrient intake on survival in HIV-1 infection. Am J Epidemiol; 143: 1244-1256.
51. 1997 Baum MK et al. HIV-1 infection in women is associated with severe nutritional deficiencies. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol; 16: 272-278.
- 1997 Giraldo RA. AIDS and Stressors IV: The real meaning of HIV. In: AIDS and Stressors. Medellin: Impresos Begon. Chapter 4;Pags 175-188.
53. 1997 Giraldi RA. Papel de estresantes inmunologicos en inmunodeficiencia. Iatreia; 10: 62-76.
54. 1997 Semba RD. Vitamin A and HIV infection. Proc Nutr Soc; 56: 459-569.
55. 1997 Semba RD. Vitamin A and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Proc Nutr Soc; 56: 1-11.
56. 1997 Tang AM et al. Association between serum vitamin A and E levels and HIV-1 disease progression. AIDS; 11: 613-620.
57. 1997 Tang AM et al. Low serum B-12 concentrations are associated wiuth faster HIV-1 disease progression. J Nutr; 127: 345-351.
58. 1998 Allard JP et al. Effects of vitamin E and C supplementation on oxidative stress and viral load in HIV-infected subjects. AIDS; 12: 1653-1659.
- 1998 Fawzi WW, Hunter DJ. Vitamins in HIV disease progression and vertical transmission. Epidemiology; 9(4): 457-466.
60. 1998 Fawzi WW et al. Randomized trial of effects of vitamin supplements on pregnancy outcomes and T cell counts in HIV-1-infected women in Tanzania. Lancet8; 351: 1477-1482.
- 1998 Montagnier Luc, Olivier R, Pasquier C. Oxidative Stress in Cancer, AIDS, and Neurodegenerative Diseases (Oxidative Stress and Disease, 1). Publisher: CRC Press | January 15, 1998 | ISBN: 0824798627 | Pages: 558 | PDF | 3.95 MB
- 1998 Passi S. Progressive increase of oxidative stress in advanced human immunodeficiency. Continuum (London); 5(4): 20-26.
63. 1998 Shallenberger F. Selective compartmental dominance: An explanation for a nonifectious, multifactorial etiology for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and a rationale for ozone therapy and other immune modulating therapies. Med Hypothesis; 50:67-80.
- 1999 Byrnes S. Staying on top of oxidative stress. Healthy and Natural Journal, Disponible en
65. 1999 Fawzi WW et al. A randomized trial of vitamin A supplements in relation to mortality among human immunodeficiency virus-infected and uninfected children in Tanzania. Pediatr Infect Dis J; 18: 127-133.
66. 1999 Giraldo RA. Las pruebas para el VIH no son adecuadas. El Pequeño Periódico (Colombia), julio-agosto de 1999: (52): 12-15.
67. 1999 Giraldo ER el al. Is it rational to treat or prevent AIDS with toxic antiretroviral drugs in pregnant women, infants, children, and anybody else? The answer is negative. Continuum (London); 5(6): 38-52.
68. 2000 Bate MW, Jassal SR, Brighty DW. The human immunodeficiency virus LTR-Promoter region as a reporter of stress-induced gene expression. In: Keyse SM. Stress response. Totowa, NJ: Human Press, 2000: 277-295. (A esta publicación y a sus citaciones científicas se referia Maria Grazia Gonzales cuando escribio recientemente sobre “Proteinas del Estrés” y su relacion con la seropositividad).
69. 2000 Bogden JD et al. Status of selected nutrients and progression of HIV-1 infection. Am J Clin Nutr; 72: 809-815.
70. 2000 Fawzi WW et al. Randomized trial of vitamin supplements in relation to vertical transmission of HIV-1 in Tanzania. JAIDS ; 23: 246-254.
71. 2000 McDonald KS et al. Vitamin A and risk of HIV-1 seroconversion among Kenyan men with genital ulcers. AIDS; 15: 635-639.
72. 2000 Mehendale SM et al. Low carotenoid concentration and the risk of HIV seroconversion in Pune, India. JAIDS; 26: 352-359.
73. 2002 Giraldo RA. Radicales Libres e inmunodeficiencia. En: SIDA y Agentes Estresantes. Capitulo 2. Papel de estresantes inmunológicos en la inmunodeficiencia. Medellin: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia. 2002: paginas 33-36.
74. 2003 Giraldo RA. Estres oxidativo y VIH/SIDA. Capitulo 6 del Documento: Terapia nutricional para el tratamiento y la prevención del SIDA: bases científicas. Presentado a 14 Ministros de la salud de la Comunidad para el Desarrollo del Sur del Africa (SADC). Health Ministers Meeting. Johannesburg, South Africa. Enero 20-21, 2003 En:
75. 2006 Giraldo RA, de Harven. E. El verdadero significado de ser “VIH positivo”o “Seropositivo”. En: Las pruebas para VIH no pueden diagnosticar la infección VIH. Esta es una réplica a varias de las numerosas falacias contenidas en el documento titulado "Errores en el artículo de Celia Farber de marzo de 2006 publicado en Harper's Magazine" (Gallo et al 2006). En:
2) Referencias científicas con conceptos básicos para comprender las particularidades de la seropositividad:
1. 1988 Bendich A. Antioxidant vitamins and immune responses. In: Chandra RK, Alan R. Nutrition and immunology. New York: Liss., Inc., 1988: 125-147.
- 1991 Sies H. Oxidative stress: oxidants and and citotoxicity. En: Lachman PJ et al. Clinical aspects of immunology. Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 377-393.
- 1994 Frei B. Natural antioxidants in human health and disease. San Diego: Academic Press; 588.
3) Algunas referencias científicas para decidir en mejor forma y en cada caso específico, lo referente a la prevención y al tratamiento del SIDA.
1. 2002 Giraldo RA, Ródenas P, Flores JJ y Embid A. Tratamiento y prevención del SIDA: Guia de principios básicos para una alternativa no tóxica, efectiva y de bajo costo. En:
- 2003 Giraldo RA. Terapia nutricional para el tratamiento y la prevención del SIDA: Bases científicas. Presentado a 14 Ministros de la Salud de la Comunidad para el Desarrollo del Sur del Africa (SADC). Reunion de los Ministros de la Salud, Johanesburgo, Sur Africa. Enero 20-21, 2003 En:
- 2005. Keppe N. El origen de las enfermedades psíquicas, orgánicas y sociales. São Paulo: Proton Editora; 153.
- 2006 Pacheco C. B. S. A cura pela consciência teomania e stress. São Paulo: Editora Proton 4ª Ed. 2006: 192 páginas.
- 2007 Giraldo RA. Los agentes estresantes inmunológicos son la verdadera causa del SIDA. Actualizado: Febrero de 2007. En:
- 2008. Giraldo RA. Demolishing fear (Preface). En: Roberts Janine. Fear of the invisible: How scared should you be of viruses and vaccines, HIV and AIDS. London: Impact, Investigative Media Publication. June 30, 2008.
- 2009 Giraldo RG. Como prevenir e curar a Gripe Suína e qualquer outra doença usando nosso médico interior. São Paolo: Proton Editora: 36.
- 2009 Giraldo RA. Usando nuestra farmacia interior para prevenir y curar el SIDA. São Paulo: Proton Editora; 104 paginas.
- 2009 Giraldo RA. Cada persona seropositiva es única. Usando nuestra farmacia interior para prevenir y curar el SIDA. São Paulo: Proton Editora; Capítulo 7 (7.12): pagina 56.
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